Testnet Registration:
27Days08Hours11Min39SecTestnet Registration:
27Days08Hours11Min39SecWe recommend you to become familiar with the tokenomics, the working of the fund, the voting and to join vFund's Twitter/Discord.
Our FAQ contains the most asked questions and the explanation of why we chose specific approaches.
Still have a question? Our team will be happy to help you out on Discord and Twitter!
Wait for the voting period to begin. It starts every week on Friday and ends on Sunday. Voting is optional and won't affect any personal funds. Click here to learn more.
Wait until FridayAccording to the outcome of the voting, the fund will automatically buy and sell assets. It will rebalance the amount of capital per asset and, if necessary, take on additional positions.
SundayThe fund value will now fluctuate during the week. This is because of the underlying assets it holds.
At the end of the week, fund profits will automatically be distributed among Voken holders.
Vokens are deflationary, meaning supply will decrease over time. Every week, the fund will automatically buy back Vokens with part of its profits (5%) and will send them to a burn wallet.
Click here to learn more about the multiple deflationary mechanism Voken was conceived with.
The team is working hard behind the scenes to improve the protocol and user experience. Feel free to check out our roadmap.
Join our amazing community to get the latest updates and important announcements!
On our Discord server, you are welcome to ask questions, share your technical analysis, and provide feedback and suggestions.